Alpha Putihrai Capital participates in both private and public investments, by participating through equity debt, and/or hybrid investment structures.

Our Values

Our investment strategy is primarily investing in growing businesses that seek to leverage on our capital, our network, and our expertise, to partner with us and/or our portfolio companies to achieve a symbiotic and attractive return on our collaboration and investment.

We mainly look for investment opportunities that can demonstrate the following:

  • Market validation and market fit;

  • Professional, transparent, experienced, and focused management team;

  • Positively impacting the economy and the community;

  • Well defined business model and strategy;

  • Strong preference towards profitable businesses; and

  • Clear path to exit to generate an attractive return on investment.

1. Growth Capital

2. Secured Debt

3. Seed Capital

4. Buyout

5. Private Placements (Pre and Post Public Listings)